Lacock School – 200 Years
Our school in Lacock is celebrating its 200 year anniversary this year with a series of events including a service which took place on 20th June. The Church was packed with past pupils and teachers, residents and the current school.
The theme of the service was school life taken across the years starting with its founder William Henry Fox Talbot and finishing this year with its recent successful Ofsted inspection! Pupils acted out the parts of staff and pupils from over the 200 years with memories taken from past and present and was attended by a great great great grandson of Fox Talbot the Rev Dr James Clark-Maxwell who travelled from Scotland especially to attend the advent.
The school is very dear to the hearts of the congregation many of whom went about decorating the church for the occasion including some wonderful flower arrangements, banners and balloons and our Bell Ringers rang at the end of the service to celebrate the historic event.